Rescue Cat Siblings Make One Brilliant Move To Stay Together

There are few moments in life as exciting as adopting a pet, though this big step comes with a few risks. What if your new pal starts showing some unexpected traits? That's the dilemma this Wisconsin woman faced in 2018, when her pet's strange behavior nearly drove her to the brink. Once she figured out the root cause, however, she leapt into action.

Split Up

Cat families usually don't stay together for long, and that's just the nature of the beast (so to speak). Litters of kittens spend their first couple weeks together before happily moving on to different human parents — most of the time.

Adoption Urge

Alana Hadley of Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, happened to be on the lookout for a new pet companion. The sheer number of options were staggering. As much as she wanted to, Alana knew she couldn't take all the animals home.

Humane Society

So she decided to adopt a critter that was in real need of love and protection. Alana visited the Wisconsin Humane Society in 2018 and had an inkling that she was going to go out on a bit of a limb.

Feline Friend

Already being a proud dog owner, Alana thought that another canine might be more than she could handle. A cat, on the other hand, would be the perfect addition. Alana even had her eye on one.